
What made you tired of diablo 3? Players lists seven reasons

If you think the diablo 3 pass after a few no on power? If you think a friends list of friends in the online frequency lower? If you think face many of the monster difficulty purgatory ambition and the falling? Here are summed up the seven big reason for players, look at what makes him feel tired of for the game: 

1. The upgrade too fast, a lot of people to get to the top as the goal, so at level 60 will not play or play hell difficulty will not play...... Let's drop speed upgrade. 

2. Upgrade too fast and make the players feel only certain kinds of skills. Yes, you haven't reflect that come in which skills what place has been upgraded and change skills. 
It also exposed another problem, equipment requirements of the decline of the attribute, seen a bow with 52 level, 8 XX attack, you said there is no fun? In addition also revealing a problem is to upgrade too fast result in different level equipment requirements reduced because many level dead support or others with can, so a lot of equipment is redundant. LVL60 equipment only need to have before 3 sets. LVL20 buy a set, LVL35 buy a set, LVL52 buy a set, LVL60 to start the game, but you had already passed three times this map, may have no interest in focus. 

3. The main story content is good, but story is too short. The map is too small, instance task too little. Even if you put the map rummaged, common difficulty also need to 13 hours. And it is a very poor armor can also through...... Since each difficulty of the stories are the same, and random map actually is not large also respectively, so a lot of focus on the story's players may enjoy the common difficulty is no longer play. 

4. Four kinds of difficulties distribution is not reasonable. Repeat play four times this practice was too boring. Suggest the difficulty of the story not choice. 1, 2, 3, 4 chapter 10 x the map expand, difficulty is separately the ordinary, nightmares, and hell, purgatory. Is the professional master also need each map use 100-more than 200 hours to get through, this way you see the world the first dozen DIABLO talent will be excited, now like this not attractive. 

5. See golden armor, orange armor has no feeling, and poor armor too much, excuse me gold armour to thousands of pieces have a gourmet? Seriously, the ground see golden, sometimes I don't even want to pick it up and have no feeling excited. Suggest equipment 5-6 points colors, and each has a characteristic, that fall out will pick up someone. 

6. No can look for acura armor route, no fixed say which BOSS will drop what armor, people don't feel... 

7. The last point, fair game environment and good service quality. We need clear the most of the bug, no 3pary-software, can be successful login, not delay to play diablo 3. 

