
Blizzard loyal fans will diablo iii is absolutely the most powerful in the history of the game

Everybody is good, I to give you analyze my opinion!
First of all, this game of diablo iii becomes widely, absolutely and foreign famous university with spell it.
1. Economics. Believe that the majority of players in the AH and RMAH, are learning some of the branch of economics, including macro economics (inflation), microeconomics (appraisal), social economics (studio to the influence of the market) and other.
2. Math. Many players found himself to play the D3 since, after each formula of his hand, this is a part of the players in the school completely cannot achieve results.
3. The physics. This is the most prominent example of monster hit the parabolic shot gun path analysis, most of the players have to launch from the boom gun 0.1 seconds to figure out the shells of attack position, and avoid action.
4. Computer engineering. Such as programming decoding, like the days of the judge did not identify more fire items affix, a lot of people probably born to now and not seen look not to know this pile of code actually want to express what (Item: 2, 363389484:1642641654-372316593212734- 593653973, 73:984068441918987- 33:-1:0:13 0763:1:1:8:552:552:0:0:7:0:-588718433: | h [exorcisms crossbow] | h)
5. Vocabulary, in the D3 we can learn to several new words: Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, the Demon Hunter (this may have been studied in WAR3), Wizard, build, buff, nerf, ect...
In addition, the change of the D3 diversity, is not a game for a comparable.
1. The affix diversity. You may not in any other game find a mmo equipment, has the novice level of the equipment the affix attributes.
2. The diversity of falling equipment. At 4 am to 10 am, on average every wave elite will only have a lower risk of falling 61 ~ 63 grade equipment; 10 a.m. 01 points ~ 3 a.m. 59 points, on average every wave elite will only have a lower level 63 chance to drop equipment, and joined mass 50 + equipment. (after a week's test results)
3. The monster deal damage to players diversity. You don't need to pay attention to any blue post (because no), made it clear that the monster today's attack low, that monster today's attack and high.
Comprehensive above at eight, D3 worthy of is the toughest games, no games can and more of. (welcome added)

