
Diablo 3 hell seven fiend graphic introduction

Diablo 3 seven big devil king you know? In the world of diablo with two forces, one is to high day angel, the other is a hell party highest forces, but also in diablo 3 is seven big devil king.

No one knows what form the hell on earth, but it is there, s than shelter to far. High order heaven and burning hell ultimate struggle between, early in the shelter was created millions of years before the began.
In the high order demon, a top lords and subprime lords. Subprime lords subject to top lords, questioning by the latter, but they itself is terrible powerful exist.
The Lord of hatred mephisto
Mephisto is the first to be justice forces captured fence.they, devil's level, used to imprison his soul stone were buried in the desert's o pilar under underground grave. Therefore, in the other two brothers (diablo and baal) before bound, human mage society (Horadrim) had to put a third of people stay guard the grave.. Pay a high price after, the mage learn to finally put the three people all seal up.
Wake up of mephisto has been trying to control the piece imprison him in turn the soul of the stone of strength, made staggered results after his power to control those mandated watched his monks. Mephisto forced monks cast a stone of soul crushed into seven pieces of, in which the smaller six pieces of the zakarum implanted six elders of the palm, then six elders temple became to provide people offering mephisto's place. One of the biggest piece of stone of soul was placed in the elders of the congregation's most prestigious elders chief. HeGan hands, his body was also mephisto change and the original body looks similar, so the body will become the mephisto in human form appeared incarnation. In the years after, mephisto controlling the senators will be those who "pious" leaders, let them to provide their own intelligence and human-those who are misleading believers to realize their conquest-plan.
Baal the Lord of destruction
A long time ago, barr was the ancient horadrim people in uniform and seal a yellow stone soul, as the souls of the stone burst accident, which was a chance to baal. In order to prevent it breaks through the seals, a named tara called summer of the horadrim hero stand up tall, will put his heart the LingShi, hope to rely on their own soul will baal stuck. People will mittal · rush embedded in his heart with the the LingShi together, embedding lu · high because of the deep desert near the city. In the second act of the game, the player's primary duty is to find the tomb of tal rasha, prevent diablo save baal.
The Lord of terror diablo
Diablo is burning hell the most young Lord fiend a, the symbol of the "fear". He has an incredible powerful ability. In the shelter of the land of the Lord before found three hell, they have been new ruling the burning hell and heaven and high order on the endless war, and later due to the discovery of the land of the asylum secrets, hell three Lord will have crafted a plan to seek the shelter possession.
They secretly manipulation, planning the hell of their minor demon of the insurgency, and voluntary was exiled to the asylum, but did not expect that is in the world of human beings they ability is greatly weakened, the results they was easily the in the archangel tyrael under the leadership of the horadrim mage capture respectively, and was imprisoned in the darkness of the soul shard grave. With the passage of time, spent two centuries of time, Diablo slowly eroding peopled with stone of his soul. In the dogged efforts of his next, and finally, to begin to expand their territories, and will be of great Leoric king and his bishop Lazarus to pull ranks. But soon, he found his ability has not fully recover, and the king's strong will to even he also can't fully control, it will only mad, so he and target transferred to the king's son prince, Albrecht.
Prepare the work is done, he began in tristram town build his hell on earth subterranean city. He in the region around evil and spreading fear to seduce pretentious heroes to "eliminate" the evil here. Like all legend, the strongest hero appeared, to complete his mission. But unfortunately, he was Diablo will control. In his twisted mind, the strong adventurer who think that the only way to control the devil is to imprison his soul stone plugged into their head. Ironically, the hero of dedication also in Diablo among out. Now, the devil had a more strong body, he will go to look for his brother, to complete his the most perfect, the most terrible plan...
Andariel queen pain 
Before parliament members, gree, the angels YiNa,
 especially (Inarius) and demons lily silk Lilith 
the best daughter

Pain is a spider queen of demons, dressed in old, old Victoria style dress and tire. In the first of the original her face was completely in the mask; And in another picture of the original show her how to really scary, and also describes her more characteristics. Her legs is the most outstanding characteristic.
She has three on the unique leg and front and a pair of thorns. Her legs of soft flesh and the exoskeletons of, so don't like any a kind of insect leg and more like plump women's legs. Black stockings covered her leg, it is decorated with complex golden demon pattern. Her abdomen although soft, but has extended to the end ribs protection. In her abdomen end is spinning the performance, can be very sticky from the nets, make the effect of the victims there is no escape from fate. In addition, very unusual is on her abdomen of the opening of the mouth. She can make them dangerous poisonous to the enemy throwing shells. They have any other function is to discuss the content.
the king of the pain
Lord of Pain - also known as Prince of Pain
His favorite things, to the way he put prey intense pain. Sometimes, in hand can't find victims, du red even committing's, to get enough pain and satisfaction.
Say to the boundary, rick to zadok's territory is a huge caves, inside was full of all kinds of sadistic use of torture and torture of devices, from the huge torture tower, and tiny TouGu nails, a than an eerie. Thousands of pretty wild demons stay in the cave, the king of the pain is enjoying the torture their very fun. Even if it is next door, in the country's anda demons also can't set foot here, although they enjoy listening to the hole of from the tore heart crack lung howls of voice.
Azmodan King of the sin
Azmodan is a good at using the sin of the manipulator of smart and corruption. His enthusiasm and his counsel as formidable. At the same time, he is also the most abound in all evil leader and personal charm.
Azmodan like to see all the things to go to extremes, he like all iniquity, and particularly pleased to see the failure of others. He is a master of the fall of seduce people, because he can most precisely insight into your heart and the desire to.
The world will be red and Hugh Azmodan spreading corruption and corruption of the seed of the perfect soil, but he has not won the world.
Azmodan territory is hell's most densely populated country-that is a comprehensive countless evil arena, all haste to his indulgence to acme.
Belial king of the lies
According to ancient times the horadric written records, andariel and a few other demons overturned three demon rule-diablo, mephisto and baal-and put them in the release from hell to this world. Considering that she's betrayal, andariel at the shelter in the monastery, can only mean that the forces of hell again and diablo and his brothers alliance. It is certain, the control of pain and suffering the queen is to help diablo stop to go with his eastern hero. And, if the Lord of terror is beaten, then she will be consumed together.

