
Will diablo 3 and the diablo 2, which one do you like?

Diablo 2 picture very depressed, and the game very fluent. diablo 3 picture very smooth, but played very depressed.
You will want to finish Diablo 2 after praise blizzard. Diablo 3 after playing you will want to blame blizzard.
Diablo 2 die once, very heartache. Diablo 3 die a day, very depressed.
Diablo 2 gray color armor may be nice, dark golden armor also may be best. Diablo 3 gray armor is trash, dark golden armor basic is junk.
Diablo 2 I can play at level 20 to one can use level 60 armor. Diablo 3 I at level 60 for the armor than level 20 May get more rubbish.
Diablo 2 I can in a month of nightmare levels time to obtain break through hell levels of armor. Diablo 3 you in hell levels play a year also not pass the purgatory levels.
Diablo 2 I can kill a armor a BOSS all day,Diablo 3 I kill all day all don't know what I'm doing.
Diablo 2 Some professional can be a nightmare rubbish from down to hell,Diablo 3 can a trash from purgatory dead back to hell.
Diablo 2 a good hirelings make you less dead dozens of times and customs clearance hell,Diablo 3 which one can make you much mercenary death won dozens of times the hell.
Diablo 2 mercenaries can the list pick diablo, Diablo 3 mercenaries...
Diablo 2 paladin is a can throw a rotating fly to the mighty men of hell hammer sweep, Diablo 3 paladins...... I only remember a "holy light ah".............
Diablo 2 never speak to the mercenaries, but very feel safe, Diablo 3 mercenaries would not stop words, but what do you listen to all is not reliable.
Diablo 2 In the first act was diablo must be passing near here. Diablo 3 The first act went in, I think the lich king and his brother came here.
Diablo 2 the feeling is playing diablo 1 continuing. Diablo 3 play the feeling is the world of warcraft and warcraft continue.
Diablo 2 rely on better armor attract players continue, Diablo 3 trust in more powerful monsters prevent players.
Diablo 2 is a long can play of the game,Diablo 3 is a make you don't want to play of the game.
Diablo 2 armor is for players to have fun. Diablo 3 armor can let blizzard get money.
Diablo 2 has trained a number of blizzard's fans. Diablo 3 let a large number of fans began to scold mercilessly blizzard.

